How to report sensitive or confidential information to Ambisafe
Please submit the vulnerability details by email to , PGP-encrypted by our key: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Comment: GPGTools - mQINBFvZrRQBEADCOyTIRbPJ9RmY5pOHiBFUPHXKxKjLeBgaKkcKhT4RALlHS6L...
How to use two-factor authentication
What is a two-factor authentication? The two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security scheme that prevents someone who has your login and password information from accessing your account. It implies that access requires two separate pieces of inf...
User Contracts diagram
See the following diagram: Important: Your email backup contains the private key for Controller Address. In dashboard you will see Storage Contract address. You can also read How User Contracts are used in Orderbook .
EToken URI scheme specification
Abstract This document describes an URI scheme for making EToken payments. It's heavily based on Bitcoin BIP-0021. Motivation The purpose of this URI scheme is to enable users to easily make payments by simply clicking links on webpages or scannin...
Difference between cold storage and multi-sig storage
Cold storage Cold storage refers to storing a private key for a cryptocurrency wallet on a piece of paper in a physically secure location. Typically, the person who is in charge of the storage has full access to the funds. The security of the cold...