EToken is a set of smart contracts, built for Ethereum cryptocurrency network using Solidity programming language by Ambisafe.

It has a rich set of features and is designed for financial institutions to issue assets on the basis of Ethereum network. 90+ tokens are powered by EToken.

Some of its most important features are:

  1. Multi-layer transaction routing (ICAP), with IBAN compatibility
  2. RAP (Regulatory Aware Protocol) for security tokens with enforced compliance restrictions
  3. 2FA protection via a smart contract
  4. Account recovery service for the lost passwords
  5. Allowances to spend limited amounts from user's address
  6. Automatic Ethereum network fee refunds
  7. Integrated gas-efficient exchange of ERC20 to Ether in a smart contract
  8. Ability to set transaction fees for 
  9. Ability to do smart contract upgrades with holders' consent
  10. Blockchain explorer for tokens (deprecated)
  11. Compliance with Ethereum ERC20 standard

Full documentation –

Integration tutorial –

Exchange integration guide –

UPD: Blockchain explorer was deprecated in April 2019. Much more advanced and feature rich tools (like Etherscan and Etherchain) were developed since 2016, when Ambisafe deployed own explorer. A screenshot for the history: