EToken is a set of smart contracts, built for Ethereum cryptocurrency network using Solidity programming language by Ambisafe.
It has a rich set of features and is designed for financial institutions to issue assets on the basis of Ethereum network. 90+ tokens are powered by EToken.
Some of its most important features are:
- Multi-layer transaction routing (ICAP), with IBAN compatibility
- RAP (Regulatory Aware Protocol) for security tokens with enforced compliance restrictions
- 2FA protection via a smart contract
- Account recovery service for the lost passwords
- Allowances to spend limited amounts from user's address
- Automatic Ethereum network fee refunds
- Integrated gas-efficient exchange of ERC20 to Ether in a smart contract
- Ability to set transaction fees for
- Ability to do smart contract upgrades with holders' consent
- Blockchain explorer for tokens (deprecated)
- Compliance with Ethereum ERC20 standard
Full documentation –
Integration tutorial –
Exchange integration guide –
UPD: Blockchain explorer was deprecated in April 2019. Much more advanced and feature rich tools (like Etherscan and Etherchain) were developed since 2016, when Ambisafe deployed own explorer. A screenshot for the history: