
  • MetaMask wallet installed
  • USDC tokens in your Orderbook account
  • An account with an  exchange that supports bank transfers (e.g., Revolut, Bitstamp or Kraken)

Step 1: Add Celo Network to MetaMask

  1. Open MetaMask
  2. Add Celo network using one of these methods:

Step 2: Withdraw USDC from Orderbook

  1. Copy your MetaMask public address
  2. Go to Orderbook's withdrawal section
  3. Choose USDC as the token
  4. Paste your MetaMask address as the recipient
  5. Enter withdrawal amount
  6. Complete 2FA verification if required
  7. Your USDC should appear in MetaMask (on Celo network) within a minute

Step 3: Bridge USDC from Celo to Ethereum

  1. Visit
  2. Connect your MetaMask
  3. Configure the bridge:
    • Source: Select Celo and USDC
    • Destination: Select Ethereum and USDC
  4. Enter the amount to bridge
  5. You'll need some CELO tokens for gas fees
  6. Approve and confirm the transaction
  7. Wait for bridging to complete (this may take several minutes)

Step 4: Send USDC to Exchange

  1. In MetaMask, ensure you're on Ethereum network
  2. Get your deposit address from your chosen exchange (e.g., Revolut)
  3. Send the Ethereum-based USDC to your exchange address
  4. Wait for confirmation (usually faster on Ethereum network)

Step 5: Convert to Fiat

  1. Once USDC arrives at your exchange:
    • Convert USDC to your local currency (e.g., GBP)
    • Withdraw to your bank account

Important Notes

  • Keep enough CELO for gas fees when bridging (approximately $5-10 worth)
  • Transaction fees vary based on network congestion
  • Total process can take 15-30 minutes
  • Always verify addresses before sending
  • Start with a small test transaction if unsure