1. How to enable 2FA at Orderbook?

Orderbook provides 2FA, and it is enabled by default. When you withdraw funds from Orderbook, you will need to confirm withdrawal using your email. 2FA is not required for checking your account balance or for internal operations within Orderbook.

2. What can I do if I lose my password?

To keep your tokens safe, we encourage users to add their phone number. If access to the account is lost, there is an option to change the password. Please make sure to include and confirm your phone number in the Settings to be eligible for password reset.

3. How can I recover my password at Orderbook?

Use the following guide about recovering password at Orderbook: https://www.orderbook.io/#/recovery.

4. I lost my password and had not attached a phone number to my account. Am I able to recover the password?

Unfortunately, we are not able to help you in this case. We don't have access to users' contracts or passwords. Please pay attention to this. Orderbook is working with the process of recovering password, which implies adding the phone number. For better understanding how the recovery process goes on, please, follow this link: https://www.orderbook.io/#/recovery.

5. I can’t withdraw tokens I’ve bought during the ICO. Why?

The Terms of most ICOs state that operations with your tokens can be performed after the end of the ICO. Till that time tokens are safely stored on user's contract.

6. What is user’s Private Key Backup?

Each user account is implemented as a smart contract and has a unique functionality – to reassign user contract to user’s account in Ethereum blockchain. This functionality could be used to restore access to the User contract which is used as a deposit address.

As a part of the signup process Orderbook sends you an email with your private key backup. If you follow the instructions in the email, you get the Address of the Ethereum account and Public and Private keys of the account. Your private key is decrypted only in the browser and is never transferred to Orderbook’s server unencrypted. None of the exchange operators have any access to your keys.

7. What do I have to do with private key backup?

Keep it safe. It is needed in case emergency occurs, for example, if the website ceases to exist. If you save backup information, you will be able to recover your money.

8. I’ve got a Backup of the Private Key via email. Is it secure?

Private key is encrypted by the password and can’t be decrypted without it. You may use the Ambisafe Recovery service to control your account using this backup.

9. Your encryption looks different than the standard information about the secret key. Why is this necessary?

We encrypt Private key on the user's side and then store it on our server. We have no access to our users' Private keys. Therefore any attempt to compromise Orderbook system or staff will not allow gaining control over user’s assets.

10. I get server errors\frozen windows\website doesn’t do what it's supposed to do.

Consider using Google Chrome in Incognito mode. If it doesn’t solve a problem, please contact our support team.

11. How to export transactions into a CSV file?

If you want to export your Orderbook transactions, you can view them and use Etherscan (https://etherscan.io/) for this. However, if you are still in need to have a CSV file with your transactions, this link may strongly help you: https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/3536/how-to-export-transactions-into-a-csv-file.